Finally feeling empowered and well enough to write about my story with Shingles, Optic Neuritis and MS.
For anyone in the midst of a flare or on mattress island, please keep or borrow faith, align with your true self through the healing process and you will soon be in a peaceful place as I am with my healing.
Here I go…when I was first diagnosed with MS in 2008, I had been battling various symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, pins and needles, numbness, mood swings, female health issues for a few years; going back and forth to doctors and alternative practitioners. Every few days I was at the Physio! I’d often get MS hug, and back spasms that you can’t control without crying the pain out these put me in bed for a week. There was always something. Looking back I can’t believe how many symptoms I’ve battled. In Feb 2006 I had pins and needles, in my hands, arms, torso, pelvic area and feet, it lasted 4-6 weeks, this might sound somewhat of a ‘easier’ symptom but the unknown of what was to come, will I loose all function? Will I never be able to feel my intimate partner again, there is a mental war that takes a toll. Then again in February 2007-Summer wasn’t my friend! I have had so many mis-diagnoses, from spider bites, to ear issues to needing physio work & told to wear flat shoes. It’s really amazing the range of differing views and opinions. WITH NO TRUTH!
In Jan 2008 I had a major relapse after travelling to Vietnam- I thought I was loosing my eyesight. I had double vision, blurred vision, and a neurological test showed bilateral INOs. This settled after 6 weeks of Methylprednisolone. In Feb 2008 The MRI showed 9 T2 Hyper intense lesions. I then developed left Optic Neuritis in August 2008. And started immunosuppressants. At the time of being offered these I was told I could choose between two or three I found this to be a strange concept, I mean wouldn’t the doctor know better than me? In my early twenties I was green to the evil in this world. I took all the travel precautions for that holiday without question.
That trip to Vietnam started out too good to be true before I relapsed I thought I was dreaming everything was just so freeing…I have been in and out of health practitioner’s offices my whole life for earlier stages of EBV and strep conditions, I thought “this is my time.” I could go out late at night, walk and hike, I had so much trust, I was alive and loving life.
I remember this particular time in my life so vividly, my eyesight was blurry, my face dropped, brain fog hit harder, had social & physical neurological fatigue, vertigo, double vision, and loss of balance (not helpful on a busy Ho Chi Minh street) plus general weakness, pins-and-needles. Worst of all I didn’t know what was happening to me, why me… my adrenals were exhausted. My face was ‘uneven’ I remember being measured by my Ophthalmologist back home with an ancient tool to confirm it, this same ophthalmologist suggested it was MS in a casual phone call while I was at work… I remember being on the bathroom floor crying asking God for mercy. There are a few times in my healing I’ve done this, pain can really eat at your soul. I wished God would protect my family from pain and give it all to me because no one else should go through this if it had to be me it gave me some peace. I wish I could be that person supporting that former me, which is a big part of why I am helping others now. I know what it takes to come back after a relapse or flare. You push yourself to try feel normal again like you didn’t just go through war on your body. At one point I wasn’t able to drive, when I thought I was better I nearly side swiped all of exhibition st Melbourne. Luckily I pulled over and let my partner take over. You want your independence back and I’m incredibly passionate about guiding you to this.
My face never recovered fully from this relapse, it is 98% better but if I get tired or run down I can see it a little. I’m currently doing some facial exercises to help retrain the muscles. Let’s just say I won’t be modelling for a make-up brand anytime soon! Luckily the pain and pressure surrounding my eye, migraines and head shingles pain is at bay.
When I entered the MS industry, I waited months for a diagnoses until putting pressure on the doctors by presenting to the emergency hospital. I was in a panic, shaking, adrenaline overtook me & fed my pathogens.
Once I grieved, I found myself in a fighter mode-I was told by someone MS is 70% environmental and 30% genetic so I figured I could control the 70% – little did I know this wasn’t accurate but at least it spurred me on to start applying a healing protocol with Dr George Jelineks ‘Overcoming MS’. When I was first diagnosed it really helped halt some progression. I felt like it was a reset to a certain point. The problem was I didn’t know what pathogens I was treating exactly and the what/how/why I was doing, I fell off the bandwagon without this knowledge. It wasn’t enough to kill the pathogens.
Fast forward to my real healing: I discovered Medical Medium in Dec 2017. A year and half after my first baby. I wasn’t even finished through the books before I began removing no foods and implementing the protocols. I spent the holidays reading about all the different conditions and protocols, nodding my head and having all the aha moments. My soul resonated with this information, it made sense and I was sick of being sick. I didn’t want all the health problems, I had to find a way out, focussed on initially doing it for my daughter. At that point my tongue was on fire I could barely taste food, it was so cut up and dry, my lymphatic system had swelled, stubborn weight, all that goes with a traumatic birthing experience, I kept getting tonsillitis, migraines, breathing issues, utis, pins and needles, numbness, big emotional issues and something needed to shift. I couldn’t live like this, at one point I used a talking bear to entertain my baby for days because my voice was so painful with tonsillitis.
In August of 2018 I was well into healing having just finished a 3 month intense Medical Medium Thyroid Cleanse. I detoxed too fast because I was on a mission; I had my daughter to look after and stirred up the shingles virus – it started detoxing through my eye and head. I thought was I bitten? I cleaned out the bed and removed any particle of dust as I’ve always been sensitive to this. I found a small cobweb – maybe I was bitten? I didn’t know at the time.
I questioned my healing path/strategy when it got tough, family/friend’s were struggling with my new lifestyle. My house was upside down, and the transition was rough.
My hair was falling out, the SHINGLES pain was 20/10 but luckily that part didn’t last long I used so much of the protocol plus more just to get through I couldn’t sleep through the pain.
I had rashes, incontinence, bowl issues, heavy fatigue, bloat, brain fog, overwhelm but otherwise every bone in me told me this was the way and I had started to see small shifts.
Even less hair falling was a small shift. I then started to move the needle on weight loss, without even knowing it or concentrating on it! So far I have shifted over 70 pounds goodbye toxic fat! I have better bowel movements, emotional peace, strep/allergy reduction, hair growth (on my head, not hormonal places important to someone who has been doing laser for 20+ years), less sensitive scalp, less pustules, rosacea clearing etc. too many things to remember haha as I do I’ll come back and update the blog, but for now I am feeling great and don’t feel like reliving this! It literally was 3 steps forward and 2 steps back. Healing isn’t linear, but it’s so worth the battle.
I had less brain fog and a big thanks to Celeryforce for shifting this, but the fatigue and shingles flare was a big hurdle to get over!
I didn’t fully understand you could flare in detox I thought healing was linear! Within three weeks it started to shift out. I kept applying protocols, fine-tuned my supplements, and also went down the allopathic path as insurance. No one wants to mess around with viruses in eyes!
When I first presented to my GP he thought it was a spider bite allergy. I then told him about my Bell’s Palsy, which I was never diagnosed with when I had a ‘MS relapse’ however my mother had Bell’s Palsy before I was conceived. I then started to tell my doctor about Medical Medium and the true cause being shingles, he agreed it could be shingles I waited 6 hours to see a specialist at the emergency eye and ear hospital with my baby by my side and they said it looked like a type of herpetic virus.
So to me it seemed like the Bell’s palsy detoxed through my eye haha it made sense.
Shingles is a moody pathogen, it doesn’t like when you start killing it off. I was fatigued and vulnerable, it had an opportunity to shine one last time hopefully!
I am glad it happened because I would never had implemented the Bell’s Palsy/Shingles protocol before hand.
Medical Medium Shingles Information
True cause: There are shingles infections without rashes, and rashes, there are over 30 varieties of shingles, all but one undiscovered. The shingles virus is the true cause of:
- trigeminal neuralgia
- frozen shoulder
- ulcerative colitis
- many cases of neck pain
- jaw pain
- gum and tooth pain
- tongue pain
- burning inside the mouth
- burning sensations on the skin
- pain in the back of the head
- some migraine related pain
- mystery sciatica
- mystery lower back pain
- neuropathy
- stagnant sluggish liver
- Bell’s palsy
- some burning headaches
- encephalitis
- mystery red rashes
- and more…
First major MS Relapse 2004 Shingles Flare 2018 Shingles Flare 2018 starting to heal Shingles Flare 2018 starting Shingles Flare 2018 Scalp had some alopecia – still sensitive but 95% better Always got random rashes
I hope you can see some of my struggles with this particular pathogen Shingles. If you or someone you know is struggling with Shingles; know that healing is possible! My journey to health hasn’t been smooth sailing, I have thousands of hours of medical research during these times, if only I knew what I do now then!
Keep fighting for your health, you are your best weapon. I hope we get to know each other during a video call session; I’d be honoured to help guide you on your evolutionary journey.