Adrenal snacks

Over 80% of us will experience adrenal fatigue multiple times over our lives. Symptoms can include weakness, lack of energy, trouble concentrating, becoming easily confused, forgetfulness, trouble completing basic tasks you could once handle easily, hoarse voice, poor digestion, constipation, depression, insomnia, not feeling rested after waking from sleep, and relying on naps during the day.

The best way to support your adrenals and help recover your health is to eat a light, balanced meal every 90 minutes to two hours. This grazing technique works because the frequent meals keep your blood sugar steady throughout the day; and as long as your glucose isn’t dropping, your adrenal glands don’t have to interfere. Giving your adrenal glands lots of rest allows them to devote energy to healing and restoring themselves.

Each of your meals should ideally contain a balance of potassium, sodium, and natural sugar (from fruit). This video shows some perfect snacks you can graze on to help recover your adrenal health, including:

* Apple, celery, and dates

* Orange, avocado, and spinach

* Sweet potato, kale, and lemon juice

* Cucumber, avocado, and lime juice

* Banana, dates, and romaine lettuce

* Coconut water, dried apricots and celery

* Coconut water, banana, and spinach

* Pear, berries, and mache

* Mango, figs, and celery

* Oranges, cilantro, and butter lettuce

* Raspberries, tangerines, and green leaf lettuce

* Berries, raw honey, and cucumber

* Apple, dates, and collard greens

* Banana, grape, and red leaf lettuce

* Apple, cauliflower, and cucumber

* Watermelon with lime juice, and celery juice


Information source: Anthony William, Medical Medium



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