When I first began removing the ‘no foods’ (eggs, dairy, gluten, pork, corn, soy, canola oil etc) from my diet I started to slowly remove them from my daughter’s too. When she ate something from the no foods I would notice her behaviour or stools change straight away. This was great motivation to get strict on keeping them out & convincing family members to keep them out too.
After her MMR vaccination Sophia experienced eczema, constipation and her eyes changed colour. I couldn’t allow pathogens and toxins to be part of her path as it has been mine. I was determined to wake up and change our lives and future generations! I couldn’t watch her eating foods that I know are not serving her. We started with lots of juices, celery, spinach, orange and apples juices. I was hoping to transition to pure celery juice but that’s a work in progress. I removed grains until eczema cleared up and now keep them to a minimum.
Some days I could see detox affecting her more than others. Her moods would be difficult to deal with, hard to get to sleep or simply a bit grumpy. I tried to soothe her through this by taking it slow, changing our schedules, giving her different types of activities and slowing down detox with more cooked foods.
We transitioned slowly because I was healing and flaring, I needed to just get through some days and that meant buying a date scone from the bakery to get through a quick shop without a tantrum, there is no hurry though, this is our new life now and we are in it for the long haul. Ps. no more gluten bakery food!